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Self Awareness and Holistic Wellness

Michael Kohan is a yoga teacher, health coach, and life coach who helps his clients discover and awaken their inner strength and latent potential through careful meditation. By applying meditative exercises and principles of eastern philosophy, Michael helps his...

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How to Overcome Failures in Back Pain

Raquel Otis is a yoga instructor who helps chronic pain sufferers think outside the “pillbox.” Which is why I sought out her help with a group of low back pain patients who had failed conservative care with me. In fact, she is part of an integrative pain...

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Barefoot Running Myths and Facts

Feet are, of course, our foundation. But the footwear most of us wear make that foundation shaky and weak and cause structural problems from bottom to top. Steven from Xero Shoes shares the latest research about footwear and function that can help develop happy,...

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